Friday, December 2, 2011

the dreaded day 3

I started the day so proud of myself for persevering over the busy day I had yesterday. Between grocery shopping, naptime, work, dinner and bath/bed time, it was 830pm before I even thought about starting my workout. Once Rowan was swaddled and swinging while he slept, I flew through the house to find all my workout gear I needed (heart rate monitor, music and shoes) and started pumping on the elliptical in the garage. By the way, the garage is the best place to workout because it is so cool, I really have to work hard to cause a sweat! But I digress. Once I place my heavy feet on the machine, my energy immediatley lifted and my 30 minute workout became high intensity for the duration. I found myself singing out loud and dancing, that's how good I felt.
This good feeling transferred into today. In the past, day three of a new routine has always proven to be the roughest physically and emotionally on me. I truly believe that the great end to my day yesterday made me completely forget about today being day three. Infact, I didn't realize it was day three until after dinner as I was putting the leftover ham and bean soup (thanks mom for the recipe) in tupperware! I was ecstatic that I'd managed to get through the day with out diverging from my plan; I even passed when offered a cinnabon cinnamon roll (did you know those things have 730 calories and 24 grams of fat! Thats more that 1/3 what an average person should eat in a day)
I was so focused today that my elliptical and I had another intimate 60 minutes suring nap time. I managed to get 45 minutes finished before Dom woke up from his nap, then distracted him for the remainder of the 60 minutes by letting him punch/kick/push my stability ball around the garage and toss daddy's disc golf discs into the bike trailer.
All of the above now off my chest, I feel super proud of myself! This is the start of a great future.

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