Wednesday, November 30, 2011

new beginnings

So yesterday I announced my recommittment to a healthy lifestyle to you all. Let me just say, while today has been challenging, I did at least get my workout done. Dom was still sick when he woke up this morning. I had to wrestle him into his clothes since I had a doctor's appointment which I had to leave for less than an hour after he woke up. Right before nap time, it was like a switch flipped in him and he was instantly better (minus the residual cough). Thus he was resistant to nap time today; this just happened to be the time I set aside for working out and even had Rowan asleep for a nap too. I thank the Lord that even though Dom didn't sleep, he stayed in his room for almost my entire 60 minute elliptical session. Which, by the way, I had to push myself to do. Rowan hasn't been sleeping well the past few days (so neither have I), and the couch looked way to inviting. I persevered though and actually had a heart pumping, sweaty, 60 intimate minutes with my elliptical.
My eating habits aren't the greatest right now. I definitely let the fact that I am nursing Rowan get to my mind; I think that I can eat everything, which is such a falicy. We ran errands this morning and this afternoon, so it could've been so easy to grab fast food for lunch and dinner. My will power overcame my need to have an easy out for meals and we went home to eat instead. Though in the midst of one errand, I stopped at starbucks for my annual eggnog latte. As I sat in line at the drive thru, I was verbally abusing myself for undoing my exercise today. As I sat in the parking lot drinking the latte, waiting to sell my steam mop (that is a whole other story), I realized I bought a tall instead of a grande and I only buy an eggnog latte once a year, so what is the harm. That was a small victory for my mental status today.
This blog is a way for my to rid my mind of my emotional baggage from the day. Another way I am getting rid of baggage is by cleaning out my garage and putting items on a few facebook online yard sales. This is not only simplifying my life, but making us extra money to put towards our debt. Just today I made $40 by selling my steam mop, kickboxing bag and an old cocktail dress.
The need for extra money to put towards our debt is something we have been working on all year. In January, we started on the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University to help control our spending and really zero in on making a budget we could both live with in order to rid ourselves of the financial stress of debt. In the past 11 months we have paid off 3 credit cards and were lucky enough to receive a free car from DJ's parents, so we no longer have a car loan. All in all, we have paid off more than $26,000 in debt. We still have one credit card and my two student loans to conquer, but we are well on our way to financial freedom.
I already feel lighter in more ways than one.
PS Dom must be cuter than I thought because while we were waiting in line at the bank, he received a gold dollar coin from an older man and a couple candies from an older lady:)

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The derailment before the journey

I delivered my second son on 10/5/11 and have been feeling great! A few weeks ago I decided to start working out again so I can get back in shape before returning to my job as a Personal trainer and aerobics instructor. I did great for about 2 weeks, then I got sick. Before I could get back to working out, my husband took a second job. Then Thanksgiving happened and we all know what happens when family gets together over the holidays; lots of over-eating and little movement. So I was getting geared back up the sunday after thanksgiving to organize my days and schedule time for my workouts, then my oldest son got sick that night. I think he has croup or just a really bad chest cold so I don't want to take him outside for walks and runs. In addition to the lack of motivation, illnesses and my unorganized life, I haven't been eating super well. Thus my baby weightloss has stalled. I am starting this blog to hold myself accountable for my workouts and food I eat, as well as to help motivate others. I am open to answering questions about working out and limited nutrition advice. Let's lose the weight together!

according to my scale with bioelectrical impedence body fat analysis:
current weight:193 33%bodyfat
goal weight: 165
goal bodyfat: 22%

I've been there before and I know I can do it again! Help me get this baby weight off